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La Passagère

Héloïse Pelloquet, France, 2022

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Chiara lives on an island off the Atlantic coast, where her husband grew up. They are a happy couple, and very much in love. Antoine is a fisherman and having learned his demanding trade, Chiara has worked alongside him for 20 years. The arrival of a new trainee, Maxence, will disrupt their lives and cast everything Chiara believes in into question.

Héloïse Pelloquet's romantic first feature follows a woman's great passion and her quest for freedom. Starring an amazing Cécile de France.
Chiara lives on an island off the Atlantic coast, where her husband grew up. They are a happy couple, and very much in love. Antoine is a fisherman and having learned his demanding trade, Chiara has worked alongside him for 20 years. The arrival of a new trainee, Maxence, will disrupt their lives and cast everything Chiara believes in into question.

Héloïse Pelloquet's romantic first feature follows a woman's great passion and her quest for freedom. Starring an amazing Cécile de France.
94 minutes
OV French
Video Quality
Available in
Switzerland, Liechtenstein